As the seasons change, so can your internal schedules and sleeping patterns. You may find yourself staring at the ceiling at 3am, or be unable to get out of bed when your morning alarm clock goes off.
More and more insomniacs have been turning to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture in order to relieve the symptoms of insomnia or other sleep disorders. The TCM theory states that your body’s energy, qi, flows through a series of channels throughout your body, each linked to an internal organ and an emotion. When this flow is blocked or hindered, it can cause illness, pain or other chronic issues, like insomnia. Acupuncture therapy can help to release these blocks restricting your qi, and stimulate functions and blood flow that will help your body to heal itself.
TCM links each of the body’s meridians to an emotion; the following chart will help you figure out the roots of your imbalance. For an accurate diagnosis and treatment, contact us to meet with a licensed TCM acupuncturist at S.I.T. Acupuncture.
Meridian: Heart
Emotions: Anxiety
Insomnia Characteristics: Waking up easily; difficulty falling asleep
Meridian: Liver
Emotions: Anger, stress, frustration
Insomnia Characteristics: Difficulty falling asleep; waking between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.
Meridian: Lungs
Emotions: Grief
Insomnia Characteristics: Waking between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Meridian: Spleen
Emotions: Worry, obsessiveness
Insomnia Characteristics: Waking at the same time every night; dream-disturbed sleep.
Illness or chronic pain may also contribute to your lack of sleep or disrupted sleep schedule, and acupuncture can also be very effective in treating these ailments. Acupuncture is a drug-free method. There are no side effects and it will not interfere with any other treatments you may be receiving. Our approach to acupuncture treatments focuses on the entire body, not just the particular areas that are causing immediate problems. It allows us to get to the root of your issue and provides long-lasting results. We do not just seek a temporary solution. Instead, we aim to provide overall wellness and relief for the long term.
If you’ve been suffering from insomnia or other sleep disruptions, please contact us today to book an appointment.